From the pipe laying method, the pipe laying ship can be divided into S-LAY type pipe laying ship, J-LAY type pipe laying ship, and REEL-LAY type pipe laying ship. Among them, the most common S-LAY type pipelaying vessels suitable for shallow sea areas have already been in China, but REEL-LAY and J-LAY type pipelaying vessels are not available in China.
It is reported that the REEL-LAY type pipe laying vessel is an early pipe laying method and the most effective way to lay submarine pipelines. The project undertaken by Penglai Jutao will be used on the first REEL-LAY pipelaying vessel in China. Upon completion, the vessel will be delivered to the Shanghai Salvage Bureau.
In Chinese mythology and legends, the broadsword is often associated with heroic figures and legendary warriors. It is believed to possess mystical powers and is often depicted as a weapon used by deities or mythical creatures. The broadsword is also frequently portrayed in Chinese literature, art, and cinema, showcasing its cultural significance and enduring popularity.
In martial arts, the broadsword is a staple weapon in various styles, such as Tai Chi, Wushu, and Kung Fu. Practitioners train extensively to master its techniques, which include slashing, chopping, blocking, and thrusting. The broadsword's fluid movements and distinctive sound create a visually captivating and impactful performance.
Overall, the Chinese legendary broadsword is not only a weapon of historical and cultural importance but also a symbol of strength, skill, and honor in Chinese martial arts and folklore.
renowned sword, famous sword, legendary sword
Ningbo Autrends International Trade Company , https://www.longquan-swords.com