Passenger car fuel consumption limit is expected to drop 20% New Deal will be introduced next month

The weighted average fuel consumption of vehicle models with annual output of various models shall not exceed the limit value. With the increase of energy-saving emission reduction tasks, passenger cars will also implement stricter fuel consumption limit standards. Yesterday, the reporter was informed that the "Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limit" (the third phase of the standard) will be introduced in December, will be formally implemented in 2011, through the gradual goal of the fuel consumption limit than the second phase drop of 20%. Due to the average fuel consumption of the actual annual sales of car companies as a measure of standard, the major car companies have accelerated research and development of low fuel consumption models.

Since the beginning of this year, the call for reducing the fuel consumption of passenger vehicles has become increasingly high. The competent authorities have been planning to publish the “Usage Limits for Fuel Consumption of Passenger Vehicles” (the third phase standard) in recent years in order to increase the fuel use efficiency of passenger vehicles and encourage Manufacturers produce low-emission compact cars that consume less fuel. The reporter learned from a number of auto companies that the fuel consumption limit of the new standard will be 20% lower than that of the second phase compared to the second-phase standard implemented in 2008. In 2015, the national average fuel consumption of passenger cars will be reduced to 7L. about. Taking into account the car companies can not quickly complete the task, so the new standard will propose progressive objectives, such as the introduction period in 2012, the old and new models of fuel consumption can be higher than the standard a certain percentage, but in 2015 began to strictly implement the new standard.

Feng Fei, head of the Ministry of Industry and Economic Development of the State Council Development Research Center, revealed that, unlike the previous two phases, the third-stage standard no longer targets a single vehicle model, but includes all vehicle models belonging to a single vehicle company in the assessment scope. The weighted average fuel consumption of various types of vehicles produced per year must not exceed the limit standard.

Wu Gang, general manager of Haima Motors, said that reducing fuel consumption standards is a general trend. Haima Motors has accelerated the development of low fuel consumption models. The upcoming three generations of Fumei coming in line with 2015 standards, namely passenger car (1205kg ~ 1320kg) fuel consumption of 6.9L per hundred kilometers. It is reported that the runaway will benefit the hippocampus, and will enjoy a 3,000 yuan subsidy policy for energy-saving vehicles in the short term. In the future, it will push the company to pre-empt other companies in line with the new policy of fuel consumption. According to the hippocampal car plan, the low-emission vehicles headed by Fairchild will account for more than half of Haima's total sales in the future.

The compliance with the New Deal regulations will affect the profitability of the company. It is reported that when the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology negotiates the Draft Standard for Methods and Indexes for Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars for the Third Phase, the research on supporting fiscal policies linked to the standards has been initiated. It is reported that non-complying car companies will be subject to tax punishment, and car companies that are better than the standard will enjoy reduced tax tax rates. In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that after implementing the first and second stage fuel consumption limit standards, (up to 2009), a total of more than 800 vehicles that did not meet the limit standard have been cancelled.

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